Sunday, October 28, 2012

Bottling XIV

I carried the beer downstairs on Thursday or Friday so it had time to settle, then bottled it tonight.  It was a bit tricky as I ran out of bottles but managed to do it easily enough, final gravity say 1014 @ 20C.  Priming sugar was 350g of glucose, boiled in 2l water.  Tasting, of course, while bottling - very good, lightly hopped as expected but crisp clean malt flavour but no character from the dry hopped Cascade yet, that may come later like it did in the last one.  Filled 55 x 0.5l bottles, which must be a record!

Carrying the fermented beer downstairs was heavy & awkward, think I'll get a pipe and try to run it downstairs straight after cooling.  this would have the effect of cooling it further and helping to aerate it.  Hmmm, could be a good idea that, but I think in the end it's probably going to be easier to brew entirely in the cellar.

Need to buy more glucose.
Check hops in cellar, there are some Fuggles and East Kent Goldings open and a packet of something else closed.

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