Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Number XIII - Bottling

Worked well enough, I used Chemipro Oxi to sterilise the bottles, I hope it has worked as it was all done a bit quickly and I wasn't quite so careful as I usually am to make sure the bottles are clean. May be a surprise or two in there. It also said on the box that rinsing wasn't necessary but on the outside the bottles were covered in a nasty white residue without rinsing, so the first four bottles were filled unrinsed, the rest were swilled out with cold water.

Bottling sugar was 90g of glucose, boiled for 15 minutes, then cooled and added to barrel. A small amount of this did get spilled, otherwise all went smoothly - now 40 bottles of beer downstairs. Temperature is around 12C. Guess a week of secondary fermentation will be enough before a first test, perhaps at the weekend.

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